40th Class Reunion


Wow. What fun!

Thirty classmates from our 8th grade graduating class from 1969 celebrated our 40 Year Reunion on Saturday, August 15th. Out of 110 kids in our class, to have around 28% attend a reunion 40 years later is not a bad statistic! Not bad at all.

Judging from everyone’s comments and the jovial atmosphere, I’d be safe to say that everyone had a great time. It cracks me up that after 40 years, we all still act like teenagers when we get back together. Why is that?

It was really enjoyable to connect with old friends again. It’s somehow comforting to be reminded once again of those things, events and the special times that we shared - the glue that bonds us together as the Class of 1969.

Being a pack of fifty-somethings, as the clock ‘rounded the turn to 10:00 PM things started to wind down to a dull roar and by 11:00 the evening was complete.

Thanks to the members of the reunion committee for getting everyone pulled together. It always seems there is a rush of things to do at the last minute and then the next thing you know, it’s all done!

The folks at the Laurelwood Pub did an awesome job with the food and flowing beverages. Our thanks to them for putting up with such a boisterous group (we were kind of noisy!)

We will be putting up some photo galleries over the next several days. If you have some photos that you’d like to share, you can email
Scott Leverenz or check back in a few days - we will also have a special page where you can upload images to our server.

3 Days of Peace & Music

This weekend is not only our celebration graduating from Rose City Park in 1969, but it’s the 40th celebration of Woodstock (3 Days of Peace & Music). So, just two months after we graduated from Rose City Park, the event that defined our generation was happening on a dairy farm in Bethel, New York. That was August 15 - 18, 1969.


In Portland, Oregon, we’re getting ready to start high school. Do you remember what that was like? High school. I vividly remember Mrs Nelson telling us to “
get ready for the time of our lives”. Madison. Grant, Benson, Girls Poly. Cool, hip, groovin’ Freshman! We sure as hell didn’t know what Woodstock was... at least not until a few years later. The movie documentary in 1970. The music. Some guys named Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Joni Mitchell singing about “going to Woodstock”, as told to her by her then boyfriend, Graham Nash (she wasn’t there). So much emotion in the music that we listened to back then. Looking back, it seems like so much was going on around us and in an instant, it was gone.

And now here we are - just a couple of days away from our 40th reunion. I will be great to see everyone once again. See you on Saturday.

Next Week!


When I tell people that we’re have a
40 year grade school reunion - I typically get a “deer-in-the-headlights” stare back with a moment of realization and that, “GRADE school reunion??” comment, and the “Who the hell has a grade school reunion? Hey - we do! The Rose City Park Class of 1969. Out of the ordinary? Maybe.

See you next week!

Oh - and once again, thanks to everyone that has responded and let us know if you’re coming (or can’t come) it’s really appreciated. After the reunion, we will put up a new photo gallery and have some other fun stuff to share, so check back in a couple of weeks.